Album 11 - The Occult Worlds of Jenny Preist

This album is now completed.

You can listen to it at the link in the downloads page.

This is an album based around a character that I created. This character was very easy to compose music around compared to some of my other albums.

It's also a surreal album, some of the song lyrics are very surreal. I think they worked, as the album is about a character entering other worlds and environments that are not reality based.

This is story about a young girl who is controlled by her father, and he doesn't allow her any real freedom at all as a child and young girl.

She becomes fascinated by the occult and magic and imagines escaping to these strange places that she sees in books. She spends a lot of time wandering the valley while her father is asleep.

But in this album she meets strange creatures in that valley, that lead her from her ordinary world and her trapped life into another world. A world of magic, mysticism, conjuring, alchemy, demons, supernatural and trance inducing rituals.

In this story Jenny just disappears and magic seems to have been her release.